Let NetCrunch integrate with various third-party services such as help desk and other productivity tools. The module also allows you to connect NetCrunch to other NMS if you need to.
IT is complex and consists of many different elements. As the system evolves, it is hard to rely on a single vendor. We understand that the best way is to connect services to make it work smoothly even when each part comes from a different vendor.
This trend becomes more important in cloud times, where we perceive computing as multiple dislocated services.
Each integration requires defining its profile, where usually, you need to add an API key/token for the external system.
This simple notification can send proper notification to the external system.
Supported systems:
Because these systems send data to NetCrunch, you have to create an API key for the integration to send a message back to NetCrunch. The URL to send data into NetCrunch will look as follows
NetCrunch can accept messages from:
NetCrunch allows you to forward all received traps and syslog messages to another monitoring program. It significantly reduces trap configuration hassle as you need to configure sending traps only to NetCrunch.
The program also allows you to forward SNMPv3 notifications, but it requires a profile to be set first.
You can enable this option in the program Tools > Options.
NetCrunch offers an ODBC driver to access the SQL event database. Since NetCrunch works as the system process, you need to create the system DSN to access the database.
NetCrunch sends SNMP trap as the response for an alert. In such a case, you might need MIB modules to let other NMS understand all alert parameters.
This function is available from the top menu Settings > Monitoring > Export NetCrunch SNMP MIB.
You have to export the MIB after adding any new alert definitions to NetCrunch.